Rated 4.7/5 by parents and students (over 1,000,000 sessions now completed)

High School Tutoring Hurstville

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Private tutoring for high school students in Hurstville

Expert tutoring

Expert tutoring

Highly skilled tutors that are friendly, patient and relatable.
Quality content

Quality content

Quality content designed by education professionals in English, Maths and Chemistry.


Delivered face-to-face online – so you can relax at home while they learn.

Meet some of our 2,521+ expert high school tutors

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
Image of NSW University Student Emma from Hurstville


NSW University Student
Mathematics: Year 3 - Year 12
Emma completed her Higher School Certificate in 2019, achieving an ATAR of 98.90. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics, and a Doctor of Medicine at the University of Queensland. Emma has been tutoring Year 5 students in Mathematics and English since 2015. She also has formal tutoring experience (including marking) in one-to-one and group settings. Emma enjoys breaking down concepts to their simplest forms so students can better understand and retain what they have learned.
Image of NSW University Student Cherre from Hurstville


NSW University Student
Mathematics: Year 3 - Year 10
English: Year 3 - Year 10
Cherre completed her Higher School Certificate in 2019, achieving an ATAR of 94.35, going on to commence her Bachelor of Music (Musical Education) at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. She has been tutoring year 7 and 12 students in English and has previously tutored year 6 English and Mathematics. Cherre has a strong passion for teaching and aspires to help students improve and achieve the results they desire. She loves the idea of passing on her knowledge to the next generation of students in their relevant fields of study and can adapt her teaching strategies and approaches according to the needs of the student.
Image of NSW University Student Emma from Hurstville


NSW University Student
English: Year 7 - Year 10
Emma is completing a Bachelor of Secondary Education and recently returned from teaching overseas. She loves utlising her knowledge to help her students realise their potential.
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Some of the subjects we cover

Each subject is covered using a learning program that contains all the content you need and is led by your personally matched tutor

English Extension 2 Year 12

Realise your vision and make something to be truly proud of. From the first appearance of your earliest ideas to the submission of your finished product, your Cluey Tutor will encourage you to identify and measure your progress against demonstrably high standards.

ESL A Bridging Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building essential skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Literacy Short Course Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building essential skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

EALD Foundation Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building essential skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

English Preliminary Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building your confidence across a range of enjoyable activities and essential skills.

We asked some of our students near Hurstville what they thought of their tutoring sessions:

Smily icon
Learned A Lot
"My tutor helped me tackle short answer responses and helped structure them better"
Jaeger, English student, Maroubra NSW
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Learned A Lot
"Really Good. I learnt more in detail and I understood more then I did in school"
Lukas, Chemistry student, Bondi Junction NSW
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Learned A Lot
"Because i learnt more and new things on engl"
Ishaq, English student, North Shore NSW
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Learned A Lot
"because i learnt how to express words in a sentence"
Pheobe, English student, Croydon Park NSW
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Learned A Lot
"I learned how to calculate budgeting and expenses to a higher level then which I had previously learned (Year 11 maths)"
Aindreasanya, Mathematics General student, Lindfield NSW

Students from schools across NSW choose Cluey for private tutoring

Ascham School
Independent Girls in Edgecliff NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 8:1
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Government Co-Ed in Carlingford NSW offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 14:1
Sydney Boys High School
Government Boys in Surry hills NSW offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 15:1
Sydney Grammar School
Independent Boys in Darlinghurst NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 9:1
The King's School
Independent Boys in North parramatta NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 10:1
Trinity Grammar School
Independent Boys in Summer hill NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 9:1

Here’s what parents and students around Australia are saying about Cluey Learning:

The avatar of Marlene
Sydney, NSW
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Great Tutors!
I have two high school aged daughters who have been using Cluey for approximately a month. The tutors have been fantastic and cater for their needs. There were a few issues with accessing the sessions however this was easily resolved. I really like the feature of my daughters being able to re-watch their session if they needed to and tailoring their session to what is currently being taught at school.
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The avatar of Rowena L.
Sydney, NSW
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Convenient & Flexible.
Cluey Learning offers convenience and flexibility in their tutoring options with good rates. Overall, the tutors are of high quality. Cluey has an excellent online system where I can handle everything very easily such as requesting a change of time or a change of tutors. The team is also very quick to respond. The interactive online learning system for tutoring is also very good. At the start, there were some teething problems with trying to match the right tutor with my child (considering personalities, State and school curriculum knowledge and tutor reliability). Once we found the right match, it has been excellent. We have now been with Cluey for almost 3 months doing weekly tutoring sessions. My child has found great benefit with her Extension 1 Maths tutor. We would be happy to continue with Cluey given the quality of tutors and the flexibility in its arrangements.
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The avatar of Debo
Sydney, NSW
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Easy to Manage and Good Quality Tutoring
We have been using Cluey for over 2 months now for my kid who is in Year 4. We have opted for 1-to-1 sessions for English only for the time being.
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The avatar of alice10
Sydney, NSW
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Structured lessons, good tutors and lessons
Cluey has a structured tutoring program which works well for my 16 year old in preparing for HSC English. The tutor is well prepared and able to engage the small group. Lesson feedback to parents and progress updates are prompt and provides parents with updates of how the child is doing and what they are learning each week. Changing lesson could be done through a parents portal with customer service to help if needed. Will recommend it to parents who are wanting additional support and help for their children on a small group basis (they assist have 1 on 1 class available).
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The avatar of Chrissie
Sydney, NSW
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Fantastic service
From the moment I made an initial enquiry , the they were focused on the most suitable tutor for my son. before the lesson I received texts reminders , which was really helpful with a forgetful teenager! The tutor made my son feel very comfortable and gave him a clear plan of the areas they would be focusing on. This had improved his confidence in the classroom and he is feeling much for confident as he focuses on his HSC next year. Cant recommend highly enough. Fantastic service.
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The avatar of Christine C.
Sydney, NSW
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fantastic service
can't rate highly enough. great service from initial enquiry to the tutor. very professional great value my son is preparing for maths HSC and was very impressed with the tutor. Cluey make sure the tutor is the right "fit " for your child .
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Our Partners:

UNSW Australia
UNSW Data Science Hub
NSW Govenment Education
The Harding Miller Education Foundation

As featured in:

Mum Cental
North Shore Mums
Stay at home Mum
Kids on the Coast
Northern beaches Mums
Stuff Mums like
Mama Disrupt
The Good School Guide
Six Little Heart
Brisbane Kids
The Canberra Times
(click the logo to read the article)

Our Awards:

Technology Fast 50
Holon IQ
Technology Scale-up Awards

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L2 / 117 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 182 000
ABN: 33 620 549 019
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