"Cluey has taught me many things that I previously didn't know, has made many calculations very simple for me to do and has told me about how good am I in solving and calculating math proble"
Derek, Mathematics student, Perth WA
"because my tutor was really g"
Khalifah, English student, dongara, WA
"Cluey has helped me a lot with making my calculations faster and more accurate. It has taught me more short cuts to do math problems and no I do more calculations in my head than on a calculator. It has also taught me things that I didn't know before. This was really fun and I had a really great tutor. Tha"
Samarjot, Mathematics student, Merredin WA
"I thought it was very interesting and it helped a lot"
Karsten, English student, WA WA
"because i learnt more about expanding brackets especially in faction form"
Manaal, Mathematics student, Perth WA