Overseas study opportunities
Avenues for overseas study have expanded greatly in recent years, and there are now various formats and programs that Australian students can explore.
Analysing characters in English texts
Throughout your secondary English studies, you’ll read numerous novels and other texts. Knowing how to analyse key characters is a valuable skill for essay writing and exam preparation.
How to optimise your reading time during exams
Utilising the reading time at the start of an examination can give you a valuable advantage.
Planning and tackling a research assignment
You’ve probably had the experience of several assignments across different subjects being due in the same week. Here’s how to plan your time to meet all deadlines without rushing to the finish lin...
The IB Diploma – an alternative senior program
Each Australian state and territory has its own Year 12 Certificate. What is the IB Diploma alternative and who should choose to study it?
International students – adapting to Australian learning styles
Overseas students often find Australian teaching and learning methods very different to those with which they are familiar. Find out how you can best support international students adapt to the Austra...