Exam Preparation Tutoring
Exam Preparation with Cluey is fun and engaging - building the confidence they need to excel when the time comes to be tested.
We put students to the test in a way that helps them
Expert tutoring
Expert tutors that are friendly, knowledgeable and relatable.
Quality content
Quality content created by education specialists in English, Maths and Chemistry.
Delivered online from the comfort of home at a time that suits you.
Beat exam worries and anxiety with us
School students of all ages have to learn and retain large amounts of content each day.
For some students this can be a tough process, with things like fear, anxiety and distress rising up whenever they think of exams or tests.
At Cluey, we understand (as we see this every day in anxious students and worried parents). Thankfully, we have a way to help, through practice and examples that build confidence.
Let's build an exam prep learning program for
Cluey empowers students to be their best
While anxiety is a part of life, it shouldn’t be the overwhelming feeling when sitting a test (as how are they supposed to remember the content?).
At Cluey, our exam preparation programs help students to focus, to feel empowered and to be ready to take on their testing - whether it’s a simple retention test in class or their ATAR.
How does Cluey do exam preparation?
Explaining what they’re going to learn and how it works.
They’ll show how to apply it.
Worked examples
Your student will then try it themselves with guidance.
How does our approach to learning work?
Tailored tutoring with a plan
The learning program
Structured around your child's individual needs and goals, our learning programs adapt over time to build confidence and offer the right help at the right time.
Quality content
- Developed by our experienced education team, the content in our learning programs is structured according to your child's skill level and individual needs.
- We use a range of approaches to meet the needs of different students. Our approach is always clear and unambiguous, and designed to help your child thrive.
Tutoring sessions
- Live, face-to-face and online
- Expert tutors matched to your child's needs
- Demonstration, guided exercises and reviews
- Designed to be fun and engaging
View Primary Tutoring Session
View Secondary Tutoring Session
Practice exercises
Optional practice questions and exercises to work through between sessions.
Regular reporting
Feedback after every session helps you keep track of your child's progress.
Learn from home (or anywhere) via our online platform.
Schedule sessions when they suit you, between 7am and 10pm, 7 days per week.
Reschedule easily when things get busy
From step one to step done, we're with your child for their entire learning journey.
Session recordings allow your child to revise at any time.
Progress reports ensure your child is getting the right help at the right pace.
Guided tutoring helps your child realise their potential.
Let's build a learning program for
Cluey are the experts in exam preparation
Experts in English
Meet Dr Selina Samuels
Dr Samuels and her Education team developed Cluey's unique CENTRE approach, and have created interactive learning programs that map to the curriculum and allow students to work at their own level and pace.
English Tutoring Program Based on the National Curriculum
Our English program has everything you require to master the subject. We work through the syllabus with you, starting with what you're currently learning at school, and adjust the program based on your specific needs and pace of learning.
Meet some of our 2,521+ expert English tutors
Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
VIC University Student (Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Arts)
Mathematics: Primary
English: Primary & Secondary
Clare completed the Victorian Certificate of Education in 2018, achieving an ATAR of 96.75. She commenced her Bachelor of Science/Arts at Monash University in 2019 and is working as a Casual Relief Teacher with Years 3-7 in Literacy. Clare has a great passion for teaching others and believes that it is important to create a fun environment where students feel safe to make mistakes and ask questions.
VIC Teacher
Mathematics: Primary
English: Primary
Jude is a qualified Primary Teacher who loves teaching students in a way that makes sense to them. She enjoys challenging her students to grow while providing a supportive and fun environment.
QLD University Student (Bachelor of Medical Science / Doctor of Medicine)
Mathematics: Secondary
English: Secondary
Monique is currently studying Bachelor of Medical Science/Doctor of Medicine and has previous experience tutoring. Monique is passionate about helping students develop their key literacy and numeracy skills for life-long use, as they work towards acquiring educational independence.
Experts in Maths
Meet Dr Selina Samuels
Dr Samuels and her Education team developed Cluey's unique CENTRE approach, and have created interactive learning programs that map to the curriculum and allow students to work at their own level and pace.
Maths Tutoring Program Based on the National Curriculum
Our Maths program has everything you require to master the subject. We work through the syllabus with you, starting with what you're currently learning at school, and adjust the program based on your specific needs and pace of learning.
Meet some of our 2,521+ expert Maths tutors
Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
NSW Teacher
Mathematics: Primary
English: Primary
Max is a qualified Teacher and he has vast experience tutoring. He has a passion for problem-solving and helping students work through problems critically, with a holistic methodology. He enjoys breaking down concepts to their simplest forms so students can better understand and retain the knowledge.
VIC University Student (Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Honours))
Mathematics: Primary, Secondary & Senior
Chemistry: Senior
Marcel completed his schooling in Perth, achieving a 99.80 ATAR. He is now completing a Bachelor of Computer Science Advanced (Honours) at Monash University. Marcel has experience as an English and Maths Tutor working with both Primary and Secondary students. Marcel has a very student-centred approach to his sessions and strives to create personalised learning experiences.
Mathematics: Secondary
Sadie holds a Bachelor of Science, with a Zoology Major. She has experience as a English as a Second Language teacher in schools with teenagers and as a private English Tutor, working mostly with adults. Sadie is confident in taking the anxiety out of school work and loves to see her students tackle problems that they never thought they could.
Experts in Chemistry
Meet Dr Selina Samuels
Dr Samuels and her Education team developed Cluey's unique CENTRE approach, and have created interactive learning programs that map to the curriculum and allow students to work at their own level and pace.
Chemistry Tutoring Program Based on the National Curriculum
Our Chemistry program has everything you require to master the subject. We work through the syllabus with you, starting with what you’re currently learning at school, and adjust the program based on your specific needs and pace of learning.
Meet some of our 2,521+ expert Chemistry tutors
Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
NSW University Student (Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Education (Secondary))
Mathematics: Secondary & Lantite
Chemistry: Senior
Biology: Senior
Annica is currently completing a Bachelor of Science and Education (Secondary) at the University of NSW. She has experience as an Assistant Teacher in a university robotics program and as an academic Tutor in Math and Chemistry. Annica is patient, encouraging and helps build confidence in all her students.
VIC University Student (PhD (Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Science))
Mathematics: Secondary & Senior
Chemistry: Senior
Edward has completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and is now studying his PhD in Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Science at Monash University. He has experience tutoring Secondary school students Mathematics and Chemistry, and has a keen interest in the Sciences which he hopes to share with his students. Edward encourages his students to ask questions so they can better understand all aspects of a topic.
WA University Student (Bachelor of Philosophy (Engineering, Honours))
Mathematics: Secondary & Senior
Chemistry: Senior
Biology: Senior
Sia completed her Year 12 certificate with an ATAR of 98.65. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) majoring in Engineering. Sia has a passion for Human Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. She believes in fostering a positive and encouraging learning environment and feels with the right support, students can reach their potential
We’ve helped thousands of Aussie families
From catching up, building confidence and excelling in school, parents and students alike agree that Cluey works.
82% of Cluey parents agree their child’s grades have improved
85% of Cluey parents agree their child is more confident
The best senior support
Read reviewsInnovative platform and tailored tutoring
“Cluey has been brilliant for my son who is currently in year 12, I honestly don’t know how he would get through this year without them! Wish I’d found Cluey a year ago. It’s made such a difference to his confidence and grades!”
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Cluey 1 Hour Tutoring Sessions
Weekly learning through live tutoring sessions, feedback & practice
Each student’s individual learning journey is supported through a series of live face-to-face sessions with an expert tutor matched to the student's needs. We cover all the theory and examples needed to ensure comprehension, and our sessions are designed to be engaging and encouraging.
Our expert tutors offer guidance through demonstration and worked examples and assign targeted practice questions to help students master the topics and concepts covered.
After each session, personalised feedback is provided to help students and parents track their progress.
Session breakdown
First 5 Minutes
Establishing the session theme, why are we here?
- Discuss student’s areas of focus (if first session)
- Review previous session's assigned practice (if subsequent session)
- Set session learning goals
45 Minutes
During the session
- Work through exercises based on the topics and concepts for each learning goal
- Tutor demonstrates, guides and explains concepts
- Work through any challenges
- Students are encouraged to explain their thinking to clarify their comprehension
Closing 5 Minutes
Reflection and looking ahead
- Reflect on what has been achieved in the session
- Set practice questions
Post-session 5 minutes
Tutor written feedback
- Tutor provides personalised written feedback about the session to help track progress